Remember you can make your Easy & Fast Mini Albums in many different sizes using all sorts of sized card blanks as the principle is always the same.
I have made up a couple of PDF Spreadsheets showing the cutting sizes for your covers and patterned papers to make life even easier for you. There is one page for square size card blanks and one page for rectangle size card blanks.
I have used UK Card Blanks so please bear in mind these may differ slightly depending what country you are buying your card blanks in.
To get your download, just complete the form below and enter your details and you will get taken to the page to download the instructions.
So have fun recreating Easy & Fast Mini Albums now in all sorts of sizes.
Sharon Block says
Dawn, thank you so much for the measurements for the different sizes of albums. Also thank you for your clear directions.
Laurie says
Thank you for sharing your experience with use.also for taking the time to slow down so I can follow you.I am a beginner at this.laurie
Kendal Hopkins says
Thank you so much for sharing your skills and patterns. I’m new to mini-books. Making this one for my daughter-in-law who is expecting in May. Kendal